New Porsche Panamera Forum is NOW OPEN



After I got singled out and mistreated for no reason at the ‘6speed’ forum, I decided to open up a forum on this website. ‘6speed’ forum politics is really wrong and all they care about is money gain. So when I posted a link to this website to help you readers – I got banned. When I confronted the admin – he couldnt tell me much. He made a post about banning me and closed it so no comments are left so he wouldnt be faced with confrontation. We exhanged emails couple of times but when I really asked about the reason – he just never replied with any good reason.

If that is how they want to run their forum – good luck with members. Since their ‘policies’ are completely out of this world, I decided to open up a forum here after a few requests from members that were also not happy with the move that the admin made.


So good luck, I hope you will enjoy the forum. Click on the menu bar to find a link or just click below


New Porsche Panamera Forum


